Category Ranking History

BetterMe: Health Coaching Category Rankings

Review Breakdown

BetterMe: Health Coaching Review Breakdowns

Ad Intelligence on 4 Networks

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Network Facebook
Media Type Video
First Seen 28 days ago
Last Seen 10 days ago
Creative Count 247

ASO Keywords

Keyword Rank
my fitness pal 1
myfitnesspal 2
me 3
gym 4
fitness pal 5



适用于各种人群的全新 BetterMe 现已推出!我们针对全球男性女性的健康目标与需求,添加了“旅程”功能。现在您可尽情体验面向特定身体部位的针对性锻炼,以及专为上班人士定制需要很少烹饪时间的膳食方案,还有关于减重、增肌或实现健身目标的实用建议。 对于那些认为在家锻炼控制体重不适合自己的人,我们隆重为您介绍健身房系列!重新出发,全新内容,还有高分辨率健身视频。即便是健身小白,这些信息也能够帮助您在健身房中尽情挥汗;如果您是健身大神,那也可以通过本应用来雕刻体型,或者打下坚实的健身知识基础。 行走与跑步健身项目焕新上线,内置热量计算器更便捷! 想要健康饮食,但烹饪食谱难以实践?不必担心!使用热量计算器,即可将食物添加到您的日记中,精准追踪您的每一餐! 深耕全球市场多年,我们精益求精,致力于打造更加优质的减脂减重健康解决方案。本次更新包括海量健身内容、优化用户体验以及行之有效的锻炼附加功能。您无需操心,我们已为您准备就绪完善的定制饮食方案、健身计划、饮水及热量追踪服务、计步功能以及诸多实用功能。 BetterMe 为您提供: - 健身计划:个性化锻炼及膳食计划,旨在助力更快塑形 - 全新膳食方案:基于饮食偏好为您定制饮食,跟着视频食谱轻松搞定三餐 - 全新社区正式上线,每日文档、温馨提示、小妙招、常见问题应有尽有 - 私教功能将全程提供专业指导与支持 - 饮水追踪与计步器,监督您的每一天 - 瑜伽与行走锻炼。 我们致力于为您提供出色的用户体验、轻松而有效的锻炼以及可根据饮食偏好(素食、传统、生酮等)调整的营养膳食计划,视频食谱则助力您的烹饪过程更加轻松方便!从此告别健身房,在家轻松塑造自信身材! 购物清单功能一招搞定!您无需写下所用食材,点击菜谱,即可立即将食材添加至购物清单。 此外,BetterMe App 已与 Health Kit 集成,您可以在 App 内追踪步数并记录饮水量与摄入热量。您可以在主页查看健身与饮食方案,设置锻炼通知则可获得实时锻炼提醒。新增的瑜伽、行走及跑步锻炼将进一步满足您的日常活动需求,致力于为您的健康保驾护航! BetterMe 现提供多种订阅方式(半年制、一周续订制、免费试用等)。您可以在 iTunes 账户设置中随时取消订阅,但条款中未使用的部分均不会产生退款。购买确认后将向您的 iTunes 账户收取费用。iTunes 免费试用期的未使用部分(如提供),将在购买订阅服务(如适用)时被回收。 有关使用条款的详情信息,请参见 - 隐私政策 -


Unfair Charge ! Please refund !
Sheryl 818 on 2023-08-18
I surprise to know why my credit card is charged hk$285.7 by apps BetterMe on Jul 11. I only agreed to pay a 7-day plan hk$74.99 on Jul 4 as a trial. I do not know there is an auto renewal in the apps which is hidden in another page, and completely not agreed by me. I sent email to Better Me but they said they had sent me email about this auto renewal which were very small letters and listed in the bottom in one of their emails. Actually, I received so many emails about their new functions and attracted you to subscribe more. Why they don’t put the auto-renewal next to the payment and ask for user’s tick as agreed and read ? This is totally not a fair approach to the customers. I just read many complaints about Better Me commencing few years ago ! Why the management of BetterMe didn’t take any action to improve ? Why there’s no control by the relevant government authorities and the App Store of Apple ? ? @Apple iPhone : I STRONGLY URGED APPLE TO DISCONTINUE WITH BETTER ME APPS AND NOT TO LET THE USERS BE CHEATED BY THESE DISGUSTING SELLING METHOD.
eugiegenie on 2023-08-18
I saw the ads and thought it would be a great app, turns out the exercises weren’t like the ones advertised. Anyhow, I paid for the 3 month subscription as I wanted to engage myself in some sort of exercise, but the system logged me out for some reason, and when I tried to log in again, it said my account did not exist and so I can’t access my subscription anymore. My subscription ends in October, so now I’ve just wasted money on a subscription I can’t access.
Cheating app, no feedback!!!!
Strongcomplaint! on 2023-08-18
I have requested to cancel the app and immediate refund 2 mins right after I downloaded it, however, I was charged on the credit card bill. Still no one answer my email! I strongly requested a refund of HKD201.99 and please have my account deleted immediately@
Cancel subscription
987654321-/ on 2023-08-18
I cannot stop the auto renewal despite doing it through my account as advised many times I have never received the confirmation email. I tried to reach out through email but there were only auto reply and no help at all. This is very bad service.
Cheating app, no feedback!!!!
Strongcomplaint! on 2023-08-18
I have requested to cancel the app and subscription and an immediaterefund 2 mins right after I downloaded it, however, I’m still being charged for months! I have sent emails for enquiries and complaints, but never received any feedback! Scam!!
Laiseungyeung on 2023-08-18
Lying down is difficult for me. Because my leg was broken many years ago. Can you send me stand up exercises for training my hold body?