Category Ranking History

YouTube Category Rankings

Review Breakdown

YouTube Review Breakdowns

Ad Intelligence on 1 Networks

Ad network creative preview
Network ad network icon Admob
Media Type Video
First Seen 47 days ago
Last Seen 3 days ago
Creative Count 602

ASO Keywords

Keyword Rank
youtube 1
愛 動 漫 2
yutube 3
電 影 4
you 5



在 iPhone 和 iPad 上下載 YouTube 官方版應用程式,掌握全球影音脈動。舉凡發燒音樂影片、熱門遊戲、時尚、美妝、新聞、成長學習等各種內容,包羅萬象,應有盡有。您可以訂閱喜愛的頻道、自行製作內容、與好友分享同樂,而且在任何裝置上都能觀看。 觀看並訂閱 ● 在「首頁」分頁瀏覽個人化推薦內容 ● 在「訂閱內容」分頁查看您喜愛的頻道推出的最新影片 ● 在「媒體庫」分頁查看您看過的影片、喜歡的影片,以及您儲存的「稍後觀看」清單 探索不同主題、熱門話題和新興流行話題 (僅在特定國家/地區提供此功能) ● 隨時掌握音樂、遊戲、美妝、新聞、成長學習等方面的熱門資訊 ● 在「探索」分頁查看 YouTube 上和全球流行的發燒內容 ● 認識最酷的創作者、遊戲玩家與樂壇新秀 (僅在特定國家/地區提供此功能) 與 YouTube 社群交流互動 ● 透過貼文、短片故事、首播和直播活動,掌握您喜愛的創作者最新動態 ● 利用留言加入對話,並與創作者及其他社群成員互動 使用行動裝置製作內容 ● 在應用程式中直接製作或上傳您自己的影片 ● 在應用程式中透過直播活動即時與觀眾互動 尋找適合您與家人的體驗 (僅在特定國家/地區提供此功能) ● 每個家庭會以不同的方式觀看線上影片。除了 YouTube Kids 應用程式之外,您還可以前往 使用全新的 YouTube 家長監督功能 透過頻道會員功能支持喜愛的創作者 (僅在特定國家/地區提供此功能) ● 加入提供月費制會員資格的頻道並支持他們的作品 ● 取得頻道提供的專屬獎勵並成為頻道社群的一員 ● 在您的使用者名稱旁顯示會員徽章,讓您的訊息在留言區和聊天室中脫穎而出 升級至 YouTube Premium (僅在特定國家/地區提供此功能) ● 觀看無廣告干擾的影片。您可以一邊觀賞影片一邊使用其他應用程式,也可以在螢幕鎖定時繼續播放影片 ● 儲存影片並於之後觀看,例如搭機或通勤時 ● YouTube Premium 會員權益包含 YouTube Music Premium 注意事項:如果是透過 Apple 訂閱,系統會在您確認購買時從您的 App Store 帳戶扣款,並在訂閱期滿時自動續訂。如果不想續訂,最晚請在當期截止的 24 小時前停用自動續訂功能。系統會在當期截止前的 24 小時內,依選定的方案費率向您的帳戶收取續訂費用。交易完成後,您可以前往「帳戶設定」管理訂閱內容與自動續訂設定。 YouTube《付費服務條款》: 隱私權政策:


Terrible update tbh
Luffyjin on 2023-08-18
This update bring back the up next after you watched ur videos, which is ok for pc, but bad for smaller devices like phones or even iPad. Since you have to avoid pressing the button to play next videos, which I really don’t want to watch it since ur terrible recommendations(idk why, maybe I didn’t turn on prediction to sell more info to analyse what vid I would like, I think google you know well about me tho :) ), or just want to watch again but have to press cancel first. This is so annoying. Then, after I use pip function to minimise the player, I found out after the video ends, it automatically play next video even I turn off the auto-play function, that maybe a flaw, hope you guys fix it. But generally, as a premium payer, I cannot believe even I pay the extra money to minimise the affect from recommendation or promotion, ur questionable recommend videos, irrelevant or even disturbing choices on “people also watch” column, and now the trend try to force everyone(even premium users) to watch more videos from ur choices for gaining more revenue is quite shocking I should say. Bad take YouTube, you have been part of my life since I start using ur services , and you guys do bring me lots of fun, but now I doubt that maybe I trust you too much. Hope you can see this, and think about how you can do to improve it.
Showing disgusting recommendations and no way to block
Z45247A on 2023-08-18
I don’t understand how your algorithm works. Every time I make a search, after scrolling down a few videos you would show some irrelevant video recommendations. What’s worse is that a lot of times those videos have disgusting and horrifying thumbnails that make me sick (E.g. searched for “air purifier” and videos about worms and leeches come up wtf) and I have no way to stop these videos from showing up despite the fact that I have reported those videos for repulsive content and the exact same videos still come up after reporting them. If you Google it you would find a lot of people have this problem too and there’s no way to solve. I just want to browse YouTube without getting any jump scares. Why is that so difficult??
No option to stop ads by pressing the i button
Champ Gamer on 2023-08-18
Youtube has now forced iPhone users to listen to their full EXTRA LONGGGGG ads by removing the option to press the “i” button in the circle and choosing “stop watching this ad” option. The ad would be okay to bear if it were of a reasonable length but now a days youtube packs 2 Extra Long ads which can sometimes run for several minutes. Youtube is arm-twisting its users without realising that if a good competitor jumps into the segment then Youtube is OUT as most users will be more than happy to switch to the competitor.
Scaling issue under stage manager
ugehdhdbdhddbbf on 2023-08-18
The current version of YouTube app doesn’t seem to be scaling properly under stage manager, a fix of this issue would greatly enhance my viewing experience when my iPad is hooked up to an external monitor at my desk setup. In addition, I would like to see more keyboard shortcuts for more convenient control when using a mouse and keyboard, just like the web version of YouTube. I really enjoy spending my time on YouTube, I can’t wait to see the aforementioned improvements, please, ingenious YouTube engineers .
YouTube is malicious. And Lots of bugs and Ads!
Jerry reviewer on 2023-08-18
The app has security loopholes that will allow hackers to invade your phone through the videos and shorts. Don’t use it !!!!! The ads can last for 30 seconds and they can’t be skipped. There are also spam and pornographic contents. On the other hand, there are also lots of spam, and inappropriate contents on YouTube.
Unfair pricing and poor feedback channel
codythedog on 2023-08-18
Youtube just announced in Jul that it raised the monthly fee for Premium from HKD68 to HKD78. However, I just found that I was overcharged at HKD108 per month (40% more than normal) and could not find a way to complain or solve the problem. Totally unhappy with the service.
2160p down grade to 1080p
Arthur9602 on 2023-08-18
As premium user, if you download video, u only can choose 1080p, but the video is 2160p. So youtube is down grade the video quality. Its so unacceptable. U can increase the monthly fee, i can affordable. But i can’t accept YouTube downgrade my video quality😞,
I can’t see links!
salmonadrian0409 on 2023-08-18
So I used to download links in YouTube and one day I updated YouTube but when I wanted to download a mod the link wasn’t there! I thought the video haven’t had a link but then every video with mods have no link! PLEASE 🙏 FIX THIS I TRIED EVERYTHING.
Something went wrong. Tapping won't work.
Kateisnotamonkey on 2023-08-18
I have encountered this ''something went wrong. tap to retry.'' message for 2 whole days in row. I make sure I've installed the latest version. It's really annoying. Can't play any video on Youtube. Can you fix it as soon as possible???
Lots of bugs and Ads!
Jerry reviewer on 2023-08-18
The ads can last for 30 seconds and they can’t be skipped. There are also spam and pornographic contents. On the other hand, there are also lots of spam, not copyrighted contents on YouTube. Pls remove all those inappropriate contents.